Plagiarism Check

Instructions for Plagiarism check & submission of Ph.D./M.Phil Thesis

The Ph.D. /M. Phil students should submit the following applications duly filled in before printing Ph.D. /M. Phil thesis with changes suggested in spiral scrutiny examination to the library.

No Dues Certificate will be issued after submitting following three forms together viz.

  1. Application Form For Plagiarism Check Report. (PDF)
  2. Plagiarism Check Report. (PDF)

A. Instructions for final Submission of Ph.D. Thesis:

The student should submit the Ph.D./ M. Phil thesis in PDF Format (Soft Copy) in 2 parts as mentioned in the instructions for plagiarism of Ph.D. Thesis in soft copy (PDF). Original finalized Ph.D. thesis from First Page to Last Page in continuous pdf format is essential. The requirement of the PDF file are:

a) File must be less than 40mb.

b) The maximum document length is 400 pages. It should not exceed  400 pages.

c) File must contain at least 20 words of text.

d) File must not exceed 2 MB of raw text.

e) zip file may contain upto 200 MB or 1000 files.

The file which does not fulfill the above requirements can not be submitted for plagiarism checking. In such cases, researcher should meet the concern person in reference section of library. Thesis should be submitted with all the two forms given above and dully filled in. The library will not be held responsible for non-submission of thesis for plagiarism check, if not submitted as above.

Turnitin Plagiarism Software Rules and Regulations

  1. The Process of plagiarism should be centralized and will be controlled by Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC) of PAH Solapur University Solapur.
  2. One soft copy of M.Phil. Dissertation, Ph.D. Thesis and Research Paper in PDF format should be submitted by researcher to the KRC for plagiarism in C.D. or pendrive.
  3. The soft copy (PDF) of entire Dissertation or Thesis should be submitted including title page.
  4. The maximum permitted similarity index for the dissertation or thesis is less than or equal to 10% according to UGC norms.
  5. While submitting dissertation or thesis to ARD section candidate must obtain ‘Anti Plagiarism Certificate’ from Director, KRC PAH Solapur University, Solapur.
  6. The application form of plagiarism will be available in ARD section.
  7. If the similarity index of submitted dissertation or thesis is more than 10% then the dissertation or thesis will not be accepted and candidate must resubmit the thesis duly corrected with resubmission fee of Rs 1000/- for M.Phil. Dissertation and of Rs 2000/- for Ph.D. thesis.
  8. After second resubmission if the dissertation or thesis still has more than 10% similarity index then candidate must again modify the thesis and resubmit it with fee of Rs 1500/- for M.Phil. Dissertation and Rs. 3000/- for Ph.D. Thesis.
  9. In case of failure of similarity index of 10% after third resubmission the further submission for fourth time will be based on the approval by Hon. Vice- Chancellor. In case of approval the same amount of fee as in case of (8) will be applicable.
  10. The content which is published by candidate independently shall be exempted from anti plagiarism checks or match count.
  11. After submission of M.Phil. Dissertation or Ph.D. Thesis and Research Paper the similarity index report will be generated within 3 working days from the date of submission.
  12. For Regional Languages Plagiarism ‘Urkund Software’ will be used to check plagiarism.
  13. The research papers from outside PAHSUS jurisdiction students and teachers will be charged Rs 500/- for individual research paper and Rs 2000/- for Ph.D. thesis.
  14. It is compulsory for M.Phil. Dissertation, Ph.D. thesis to get plagiarism check by Turnitin software before submission.
  15. For Humanities faculty Turnitin can be used only for Data Analysis, Summary and Conclusion related topics or chapters.
  16. Other than Ph.D. or M.Phil. student or research scholar, if any of the student either from university department or from any of the PAHSUS affiliated colleges want to check plagiarism of their research papers or Dissertations then they will be required to pay Rs 100/- at UG level and Rs. 200/- at P.G. level (*This is to motivate the student to publish their project work or research work at reputed publications or journals.)

Important Note : After submission of softcopy for plagiarism check, report will be issued after two days.


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