About K.R.C
About the KARMAVEER DR MAMASAHEB JAGDALE Knowledge Resource Center
The Knowledge Resource Center aims to be a leading library in all the fields of universities academic and research areas such as Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, etc. It also aims to build a comprehensive collection of back volumes of journals in all these fields.
The library apart from users from the university, is open to other academic users of other universities and institutes for reference. Visitors are requested to bring an official letter from their Librarian/Head of the Department/Guide/Principal. However, a reference charges will be laid on visitors for using the library resources. For further information, please contact the University Librarian.
Working Hours
For Reference (Stacks/Reference): 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m
For Reference (Periodical Section): 10 .00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m
Issue/Return of Books(Archival/Textbook): 10.30 a.m.to 6.00 p.m.
Reading Hall: 8.00 a.m to 11.00 p.m
Reading Hall: 10.00 a.m to 6.00 p.m
The circulation counter remains closed on all Sundays and National holidays. The reading hall and Periodical Section remain closed on selected national holidays.
K.R.C Professional Staff
Name |
Designation |
Email |
Dr. Anil A. Ghanwat |
I/C.Director, Knowledge Resource Centre |
Dr. P.L. Sawant (B. A., M. Lib, M. Phil Phd) |
Senior Library Assistant |
plsawant77@gmail.com |
Shri. M. D.Suryawanshi (M.A. M. Lib, & I.Sc) |
Library Attendant |
raj.surya101@gmail.com |
Smt. S.S. Vadavrao (B.A. M. Lib, & I.Sc) |
Library Attendant |
Shri. S.S. Javalgikar (M. Lib & I.Sc) |
Contractual Library Assistant |
shashikantjavalgikar07@gmail.com |
Shri. K.B. Yele (M.C.A) |
Computer Expert |
kishoryele1988@gmail.com |
Smt. Shinde J. |
Contractual Clerk |
swatisurvase366@gmail.com |
Shri Rajshekar Garampalli |
Computer Operator |
rajshekharg1998@gmail.com |
Shri. R.M. Revaje (12th) |
Peon |
Shri. S.H. Chavan (10th) |
Peon |
Services offered by the Knowledge Resource Center(Library)
- O.P.A. C. Services
- Bibliographical Services
- Reference and Information Services
- Reprographic Service
- Broadband Internet Service
- Inter-Library Loan Service
- News Papers news Clipping Service
- Periodicals & Theses Service