From Director Desk
Dr. . Rajendra Kailas Wadje,
M.A. Ph.D. (Hindi)
It is a great pleasure indeed for me to share this (editorial) issue of National Service Scheme (NSS) with students, teachers and all the citizens. NSS has been working consistently since 1959 the year of its establishment for awakening the sense of humanity in human beings in the modern age of machines. It helped to build the character of many men and gave many social workers, who are high ranked personalities on various positions today. The people working under NSS always try to combine human sensitivity with the predicaments and make something positive with the preaching of NSS’s core values in their personal lives too. The rites of NSS required in collegiate life are seen in students’ each and every activity through their lives at each and every stage of their lives. Since last 46 years, NSS has been working as a fountain to cultivate the minds of collegiate students and I am proud of myself to be part of the system of NSS.