From Directors Desk
Dr. Anil A. Ghanwat
M.Sc, Ph.D
I/C Director School of Alied Health Science
Dear Students,
Welcome to the School of Allied Health Sciences. We all are facing the greatest challenge of the COVID 19 Pandemic and health has become the priority area for the entire world. Human health that largely depends on our inherent immune system is largely affected by our personal habits like diet & nutrition and lifestyle factors. Diet and Yoga have gained significant prominence and is seen as the first line of defense against any disease. We all should be thoroughly aware of the scientific basis of nutrition as well as body defense systems in order to live a healthy life. School of Allied Health Sciences provides opportunities to aspiring students who intend to gain a piece of thorough knowledge in the field of Nutrition &Dietetics, Yoga and Yoga Therapy, and Acupressure Therapy. In addition to these areas School also carries out various research in this field. I hope that you all will get a good insight into the traditional Indian systems of Yoga & Acupressure as well as nutrition. I wish all the best to the aspiring students and wish them success ahead.