From Directors Desk

Dr. (Mrs.) Anjana S. Lawand
I/C Director,
(Personal Details)
School of Chemical Sciences, PAHSUS
School of Chemical Sciences has an outstanding record of producing outstanding Chemical scientists, researchers, and academicians. Credit of it goes to the selection of well qualified faculty members who are having brilliance in academics and research activities. Faculties works hard to motivate and inspire their students by sharing all their research and academic knowledge and experiences with students. With the help of these faculties School of Chemical Sciences is marching on the path of success and development. In last 5 years, School of Chemical Sciences has produced more than 20 Ph.D.s, 100 research publications, 2 patents, and more than 25 NET/SET/GATE qualified students. In addition, more than 20 students got admission for their Ph.D. at highly reputed national research institutes like CSIR-NCL Pune, IISER Pune IICT Hyderabad etc. School has signed MoU with various research institutes to enrich quality of research. Greetings and Welcome to the School of Chemical Sciences, Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur. School of Chemical Sciences was established in 1984, then as a Post-graduate study center of Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Since the establishment of Solapur University in 2004, School of Chemical Sciences has been one of the premier schools of the campus. School offers PG courses in Polymer, Organic, Industrial, and Medicinal Chemistry. Research courses M. Phil., and Ph.D. were introduced to establish school as a research hub. We believe that creating good chemists begins with cultivating compassion, respect, and academic integrity.
I am pretty sure that with the dynamic teamwork of all our faculty, staff, University administration, collaborators, students & their parents, various funding agencies and public at large, we will be able to achieve our mission at Punyshlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur.
Dr. (Mrs.) Anjana S. Lawand
I/C Director,
School of Chemical Sciences,
PAH Solapur University, Solapur
Jai Hind