From Directors Desk


Dr. (Mrs.) Anjana S. Lawand


(Personal Details)

School of Technology, PAHSUS

Greetings and Welcome to the School of Technology, Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur. School of Technology was established in 2018. School of Technology has become one of the premier schools of the campus. School of Technology offers 5 years integrtaed M.Tech Course in Cosmetic Technology. We believe that creating good expert in cosmetics begins with cultivating compassion, respect, and academic integrity. The well qualified staff supports and inspires the students for extra activity which will be beneficial for the dvelopment of students.

  I am pretty sure that with the dynamic teamwork of all our faculty, staff, University administration, collaborators, students & their parents, various funding agencies and public at large, we will be able to achieve our mission at Punyshlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur.

Kind Regards,


Dr. (Mrs.) Anjana S. Lawand


School of Technology,


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